

To do this work well and with integrity requires ongoing learning and growth.

For more than twenty years, I have been committed to absorbing all I can about the history of social and racial injustice, inequity, and the use and abuse of power to uphold or dismantle systemic racism and White supremacy.

I am constantly reading books, listening to podcasts and speakers, attending events, watching documentaries and videos, being in relationship with, and learning from, skilled practitioners of color—immersing myself in the worlds and communities of people with all kinds of racial backgrounds.

I am always curious to learn more about other people—exploring the nuances and subtleties of new frameworks and various contexts—so that I can be optimally equipped to show up to do this work in ways that will drive impact and affect change.

I am committed to always observing what’s going on in my spheres of influence, and recognizing and leveraging my privilege and power, so that I can better understand and appreciate the lived experiences of people from all backgrounds. So that I can witness truths. So that I can believe people when they say they have been (and still are) impacted by the evils of prejudice and discrimination and systemic racism.

It is this education that puts me in a position to speak and write and facilitate and coach with confidence and conviction and influence. Education provides the foundation for me to be an unapologetic amplifier of underrepresented voices, a co-conspirator for equity and justice, and a champion of humanity.


Giving Back

I do my work to elevate humanity, to uplift, to amplify, to champion people and communities and causes that are working toward autonomy and agency and equity and justice.

I consider myself fortunate to earn a living doing racial justice work. And I consider it my responsibility to support people-of-color-led organizations that are tirelessly working toward racial justice as well.

Quarterly, I donate up to 20% of my income from book sales and speaking engagements to the following people-of-color-led organizations that are in line with my personal values and principles.

Mushim Patricia Ikeda—Meditation Teacher

Mushim Patricia Ikeda—Meditation Teacher


Amplifying Voices of Color

Whether it’s writing on LinkedIn, consulting with organizations, speaking, or facilitating conversations with White affinity groups, my aim is always to elevate our collective humanity by amplifying voices of color. Check out this carefully curated list of practitioners of color—all of whom I highly recommend and respect.