The Four Agreements

In 2016, my friend Francisco turned me on to the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

It's been a guiding force ever since.

The Four Agreements:

1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don't take anything personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.

It has applicability in all facets of my life.

Be impeccable with my word:

When I write on LinkedIn
When I disagree with someone
When someone disagrees with me
When I talk to my soon-to-be teenage kids
When I facilitate discussions
When I speak on stage

Don't take anything personally:

When people say The Four Agreements is crap
When people say I don't know what I'm talking about
When my daughter says I'm annoying
When my son says I have bad taste in music
When White people do stupid shit
When I don't get invited to something

Don't make assumptions:

I don't assume people respect me
That people agree with me
That I have the answers
That relationships don't take work
That people can't change
That people will resonate with The Four Agreements

Always do my best:

Recognize that my intentions don't always match my impact
Don't strive for perfection
Accept that I will mess up
Learn from my mistakes
Stumble forward
Don't avoid difficult conversations

All frameworks are flawed and imperfect. The Four Agreements is no exception.

It works for me. What about you?