You Will Always Be More Than a Single Story

One of the dangers of writing and speaking prolifically is that you run the risk of being reduced to a single story.

Which is ironic.

Someone unfamiliar with you, your nuanced perspectives, your dynamism, your vastness—stumbles across one post and falsely believes it represents all of who you are, the totality of what you believe in.

Failing to dig deeper, one can lose the grandness of what you stand for, who you support, whose voices you amplify, which causes you champion.

Your multiple lenses get shrunk to a solitary narrative.

You say one thing that doesn't resonate, write one thing that isn't as clear as it could be, share one video or podcast that doesn't come across as crisp and compelling as you would like—and you run the risk of facing intimidation, attack, and outright malice. Often disguised as criticism.

But here's the thing.

You are not one post. You are not one interview. You are not one podcast or book or YouTube video. You are not one piece of content, one perspective, one argument, one sound bite.

You are expansive and broad and varied and subtle and contextual.

To be clear, those who share often are not above criticism, but you are not a single story. You are not a single mistake, a single quote, a single category, bucket, or box.

You are more than that. You will always be more than that.