Here's To a New Day

Whenever I haven't written for a while, and want to start writing again, my first instinct is to write about writing—or more specifically to write about how I haven't been writing much and how I'm going to start writing about how I haven't been writing and how I want to start writing.

It's all very meta. With many exponents.

I haven't written for a while. Here or anywhere else. It happens. You get caught up in other things, lose momentum, and weeks and months go by with barely a thought committed to the page.

As anyone who writes has no doubt experienced, this isn't the first time it's happened, and will almost certainly happen again. I'm particularly worried about it. It's just something I'm aware of, and something I'm consciously trying to reverse.

Starting now.

I'm wary of bold public declarations of action, so I won't say anything like "I'm going to write a post every day for the rest of the year."

No, I won't say that. Mostly because I know I won't do it, but also because it doesn't matter if I do or not.

What matters (to me, at least) is that I miss the sharing of thoughts, the interchange of ideas, the connections with other people, that I get from writing in public spaces.

So here's to a new day—a new day that I hope will be a lot like the old days when I was writing regularly.