Do Say Gay

I guess in Florida I'm not supposed to say "gay" in schools.

So I guess I shouldn't say that my dad was gay.

And I guess I shouldn't say that he knew he was gay when he was a kid.

And I guess I shouldn't say that because there was a stigma against being gay he tried to commit suicide when he was 13.

And I guess I shouldn't say that because he was gay and because society didn't support his being gay and because his gayness was pathologized he tried to commit suicide again when he was eighteen.

And I guess I shouldn't say that the only reason I'm alive today is because my dad was told so often that being gay was bad that he married a woman and had a kid.

And I guess the folks in Florida who passed the law that you can't say gay in schools care more about people who can't accept that people (including kids) are gay than they do about the gay people who will continue to be stigmatized, marginalized, bullied, and murdered because it's been made clear that being gay is bad.

If you care about about humanity, you will oppose this law and other similar laws. You will oppose this perpetuity of the narrative of the privileged straight majority.

You will say gay as loudly and as often as it needs to be said.

You will champion being gay. You will normalize being gay.

You will save lives.